Back To Foreign Cinema With Chef After Judwaa 2
Thursday 05 October 2017 12.00 IST
Box Office India Trade Network
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It will be back to foreign cinema this week with Chef. Last week Judwaa 2 did the trick and it was a traditional commercial Hindi film which can only be made in India but it will probably be just some respite from the dull box office scenario as much of the industry still believes in copying stories from outside which hold no relevance for the Indian audience. It is said emotions are universal and that is true as the the feelings of a normal person across the world are the same be it love, hate, birth or death but that is real life. Here you are presenting it in cinematic format and here the universal emotions become about presentation on screen. This is where the difference lies between the local audience and foreign audience and its pretty much certain from the trailers of Chef that the storytelling is foreign which means the father and son story is very unlikely to relate. Today the audience will probably prefer a real Hollywood film like Blade Runner than a copied Hollywood film in the Hindi language like Chef especially that high end multiplex english speaking audience which Chef is targetting.



On top the promos are very poor and the urban metro audience that the makers have aimed at has also changed in the cinema they go for. Also the film can only find an audience in metros, the A, B and C centres will reject and today the bigger chunk of multiplex business is in these places so this film is not even a multiplex film today as it caters to just 15-20% of the multiplex audience.


The content of the film looks to have similar audience profile as films like Noor and Simran, just those had a female protagonist and her its male. Noor opened 1.23 crore nett to and Simran opened to 2.43 crore nett and looking at where this film can find an audience it may end up with a figure somewhere between these two films though you never rule out a downside with such content. The film will need some great word of mouth with its limited audience to just survive but there is Judwaa 2 and that should keep the industry happy for another week at least.




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